This article is squeezed from the research class action entitled “Active Learning Model Course Practice Puppetry East Javanese Styleâ€. The study was conducted in order to evaluate the success of the learning process and determine the effectiveness of the learning model that has been applied, in order to determine the extent of the success of a process that has lasted learning. It was important to remember the era of the development of competency-based curriculum that is implemented from 2008 to 2013, special courses have not been evaluated. The method used in the study of this class action is syntaxmatic development, which is implemented in an active learning model for the course of Practice Puppetry East Java style. The first stage is to establish a climate of inclusion. The secondstage; lecturers provide an alternative example in accordance with the work on the topic of teaching materials in the face of it. The third stage is to make a decision of personal value. The fourth stage is to identify courses of action. In the process of learning and teaching faculty should be able to makethe atmosphere is not boring to the students, therefore, lecturers wherever possible to consider the classroom atmosphere and the character of the students. The fifth stage; students make general comments on the matter and the steps that have been made. The last stage is the follow-up behavior.From the experience that has been lived for more than five semesters, students are expected to show the positive behavioral change that is better than before. The learning process is essentially a system of teaching and learning is an integral inseparable from the system the involvement of elements otherlearning. Therefore, in the model of syntaxmatic development can not be separated also from other learning systems such as: system response and support system.Keywords: Learning model, puppetry, style, East Java.Downloads
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