Plagiarism Policy

Artistic : International Journal Of Creation and Innovation has a high commitment to anti-plagiarism.
Each manuscript submitted to Artistic : International Journal Of Creation and Innovation will be first checked by members of the editorial team and screened using the TURNITIN plagiarism detector.
The screening process will be conducted by Editor once the manuscript is received.
The manuscript are required of less than 15% quality. Artistic : International Journal Of Creation and Innovation will reject papers that lead to plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
The Editorial Board of Artistic : International Journal Of Creation and Innovation recognizes that plagiarism is not acceptable and therefore establishes a strict policy against plagiarism.

Plagiarism is someone else's ideas or words as if they were your own, without permission, credit, or acknowledgment, or for not properly citing the source. Plagiarism can take a variety of forms, from copying them literally to paraphrasing someone else's work.

Manuscript must be original, unpublished and not pending publication elsewhere. Any text in excess of fair use standards or any graphic material reproduced from another source requires permission from the copyright owner, original author, or source search. When plagiarism in a paper is identified, the Editor in Chief is responsible for reviewing the manuscript and will approve action according to the level of plagiarism. Authors who have committed plagiarism will take action by referring to the following guidelines:

  1. Minor: A short portion of another manuscript was plagiarized without any significant data orideas being taken; Action: A notification given to the author and conveyed to change the textand citations that really match the original article.
  2. Intermediate: Most of the other manuscript are plagiarized without a proper citation to theoriginal article; Action: The article is rejected and the author is prohibited from submitting another article for one year.
  3. Severe: Most of the other manuscript are plagiarized by reproducing results or ideas; Action:The paper is rejected and the author is prohibited from submitting another article for five years.
  4. This action needs to be given to violators, because the author is responsible for the contents ofthe submitted manuscript, especially they already signed the Copyright Declaration Form as acondition for sending the manuscript.