Color Formation of Musical Compositions of Children’s Choir “Vocalista Angels”


  • Rian Prasetya Yunanto Arts Study Magister Program, Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara 19, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
  • Lee Yong-Shik National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts Nambusunhwanro 2364, Seocho3-Dong, Seocho Gu, Seoul



Children's Choir, Composition, Sound Color, Dynamics, Achievements,


Vocalista Angels Children's Choir is one of the children's choir groups in Klaten Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, established in 1997. Most of the members are children from villages who do not understand singing techniques correctly or conform to classical vocal techniques. So that when practicing, this group has a different method from the classical vocal method that is standard in their coaching. This study seeks to reveal the typical character traits and the principles in practice to produce a unique character distinctive. The method in carrying out this research is mostly in the form of observations involved in data collection. Written records and audiovisual recordings are the most likely ways to obtain valid data. This method produces descriptive data in the form of written, spoken, or musical words for the group members who are the object of observation. As a result, in terms of sound production, it is very clear that phrasing, articulation, resonance, and intonation are important concerns in every practice in choral processing. In the final packaging of production, this group pays serious attention to dynamics, interpretation, and expression. This kind of knowledge is very useful for developing productive and practical knowledge for the presentation of music, especially the production of music in a chorus that has complexities that are not simple.


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