Student interest and motivation in learning arts and culture using the project based learning method at state senior high school 7 Pekanbaru, Riau


  • Fatia Kurniati Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau
  • Syefriani Syefriani Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau



Student interest , Student Motivation , Arts and Culture , Project based learning


This study aims to determine how interest And student motivation in learning arts and culture at State Senior High School 7 Pekanbaru. The research method used is the descriptive quantitative method.  The data collection techniques used in the study are documentation, interviews, and using an instrument as a questionnaire. The population in this study were students of State Senior High School 7 Pekanbaru, and the research sample was class X students with the material Tanjak Warisan. The method used in learning arts and culture is project-based learning, which involves students designing, planning, and carrying out projects to produce products, publish, or present them. Results study show interest And motivation students School State Senior High School 7 Pekanbaru in the sufficient category height, thing This is based on the results of filling out the interest questionnaire with an average percentage of 81% and an average percentage for the results of the motivation questionnaire of 72%. In addition, in the summative assessment, the average student scored 90. From the interview results, it was found that the students follow learning art culture Because, like art lessons, they are enthusiastic about making or producing works of art, are interested in the uniqueness of local and regional arts (local wisdom), and feel comfortable with the way teachers teach in class and the provision of supporting facilities​ learning art culture by the school.


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