Author's Guidelines Pack
Authors are responsible for the articles they submit: they must assure the originality of their works, being aware of the consequences of misconduct.
Authors should always acknowledge their sources and provide relevant citation details for all publications that have influenced their work.
Author must submit the manuscript in the format below:
Manuscript Format
Manuscripts should be uploaded to the system that set out in the Gelar Journal, standard format as follows: Title, Authors, Institution and Email, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References. Manuscripts typed on paper size A4, the column lines space 1.0, 12 pt. font Palatyno Linotype and should be given a line number. Margins at all four sides of the paper are 2 cm and a maximum of 20 pages.
Manuscript Title
The title made no more than 20 words. The title should be written clearly and concisely so as to describe the contents of the study.
The manuscript has the lead author and member of the writer by writing the name in full and there are no abbreviations (without academic degree), the address of institution/university and the email address of the lead author.
The abstract had written with specific, objective, and clear statements. Describe by briefly and integrating research, it should be no more than 200 words without reference. It contains an introduction, objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and suggestions.
Keywords had written after abstract composing with the provisions as much as 3-5 words. Keywords describe drawn abstract results or describing the research.
The author provides a brief and clear information about the background and purpose of the research that has been carried out.
This section explains about the time and place of study, the sampling method, variables and indicators of research and data analysis. The use of research methods must be stated clearly and briefly.
Result and Discussion
Results and discussion is written in the same section that describes the results of research and discussion. All figures and tables in the text should be linked to writing and can be edited by the editors.
Conclusion and Suggestion
Conclusions drawn up clearly and describe the results and conclusions of the discussion.
Institution that provides aid or name of the person who has assisted in the completion of the study.
The references had written by the starting name of the author that has initial letters name A to Z. The script, written recent references have 10 (or more and 60%) of the journal in the last five years. The references in this order: the author's name, year of publication, article title, title/name and number of journals, publishers and publisher town. Here's an example of literature taken from several sources.
Authors who publish with GREGET agrees to the following terms:
GREGET : Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari
ISSN 1412-551x (print) | 2716-067x (online)
Published by Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
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