About the Journal

Journal title Greget : Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari
Initials GRT
Abbreviation Greget
Frequency 2 issues per year
Editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. Maryono, S.Kar.,M.Hum.
Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
ISSN 1412-551x (print) | 2716-067x (online)
Journal Website https://jurnal.isi-ska.ac.id/index.php/Greget
Abstracting & Indexing Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions


Greget: Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari (referred to in English as Greget: Creativities and Dance Studies Journal) is a journal focused on theoretical and empirical research in the field of dance art, encompassing creativity, and various studies related to dance art. Greget: Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari has the vision and mission of developing knowledge and the creation of traditional dance, while also considering the dynamics of knowledge and the creation of non-traditional dance that evolve and shape the character of the nation. This journal accepts manuscript submissions with theoretical or empirical aspects in the following general categories:

Dance Arts category includes following fields:

  • Dance knowledge
  • Dance Creation

The journal also welcomes articles from literary arts, art history, and other dance art issues.

  • Review of Nusantara Dance
  • Sociology of Dance
  • Anthropology of Dance
  • World Dance Culture
  • Digital Dance Studies
  • Archaeology of Dance
  • Intercultural Studies of Dance
  • Ethnography of Dance
  • Dance and Multicultural Education
  • Dance Criticism
  • Dancer Profile and Thought
  • Artistic Review of the Dance Creation Process

Jurnal Greget new acreditation sinta 4 (start from vol 21 no 2, 2023 to vol 26 no 1, 2028)

Current Issue

Vol. 23 No. 2 (2024)
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