About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Fokus dan scope Texture: fokus utama dari jurnal texture adalah sebagai forum diskusi mengenaibtopik-topik yang berkaitan dengan penelitian, pengkajian di wilayah seni rupa dan penciptaan karya seni rupa. Jurnal Texture terbuka bagi para peneliti, praktisi, mahasiswa seni rupa.

Area penelitian meliputi :
1. Penelitian artistik seni rupa tradisi.
2. Penelitian artistik seni rupa kontemporer.
3. Pengkajian seni rupa dan komunitas.
4. Pengkajian seni rupa dan industri digital.
5. Pengkajian seni rupa dan politik, gender.

Peer Review Process

The review process combines a double blind reviewing and an open reviewing.
The editors will assess whether the submission is eligible for review. After this formal assessment, if positive, the submission will be sent to two external referees.

Based on the review reports the editors will make one of the following decisions:

  1. The submission is rejected. In this case, a written explanation will be provided.
  2. The submission is rejected in its current state. In this case, the author will have the opportunity to re-submit the paper, taking into account the comments of the referees and the editor. When the submission is rejected in its current state (B) and the author wants to improve the paper, the editor assigned to that paper will support the author.
  3. The submission is accepted.

The accepted papers can be published in the blog of the journal for an open reviewing process. The aim of this second reviewing is to promote the improvement of the contents to be published in the journal. The editors will work with the authors and discuss the results of the open review process.

The whole review process will take not more than six months.
Editorial, Interviews and Book Reviews will not be peer reviewed.

Open Access Policy

All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.  We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license options, , currently being defined for this journal as follows: Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 Internasional.