About the Journal
ARTISTIC is an international journal which specializes to the results of artistic research in the fields of arts, creative and conceptual thinking in arts, new knowledge generated from the practice of arts, and values and meanings of novelty produced in the creation of art works.
The focus and scope of the journal consists of the fields of Fine Art (painting, sculpture, graphic, printmaking, etc.); Craft (keris, batik, ceramic, jewelry, textile, etc.); Design (interior design, visual communication design, fashion design, product design, and interactive multimedia design, etc.); and Performing Arts (theatre, pedalangan, karawitan, ethnic music, dance, etc.);Media and Creative Art (film, video, television, photography, and animation, etc.).
ARTISTIC : International Journal Creation and Innovation is published twice a year, in April and October. Admitted and published articles can be freely accessed on this website.
ARTISTIC : International Journal Creation and Innovation was first published in 2020 by Program Pascasarjana, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta. ARTISTIC was established with the ISSN number 2721-9445 (print) and 2721-9321 (electronic).
ARTISTIC : International Journal Creation and Innovation has been indexed both at national and international including Google Scholar (2020), DOAJ (2021), crossref (2021), and DIMENSIONS (2022).