About the Journal

Journal titleKeteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran, dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi
AbbreviationJur, Peng. Pem. dan Kaj Tentang Bunyi
FrequencyTwo issues per year
DOIprefix 10.33153
Online ISSN2714-6367 (Online) | 1412-2065 (Print)
Editor-in-chiefDr. Suyoto, S.Kar., M.Hum
Managing EditorMuhammad Nur Salim, S.Sn., M.A
PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
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Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran, dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi, this journal invites original articles and has never been published together with other journals or conferences. The publication of scientific articles is the result of research from the external and internal academic community of the Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta in the Karawitanologi discipline. Scope of distribution:

  1. Karawitan Education and Learning.
  2. Karawitan History and Development Study.
  3. Study in Karawitan.
  4. Karawitan Organology Study.
  5. Karawitan Aesthetic Studies.
  6. Karawitan Composition Study.


Current Issue

Vol. 24 No. 2 (2024): Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi
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