About the Journal

Journal title Gelar : Jurnal Seni Budaya
Initials Gelar
Abbreviation Gelar J. Sen. Bud.
Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
DOI Prefix 10.33153 
ISSN 1410-9700 (print) | 2655-9153 (online)
Editor-in-chief Taufik Murtono
Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Citation Analysis Dimensions| Garuda | Ind One Search|  WorldCat | Google Scholar| Index Copernicus

Gelar: Jurnal Seni Budaya is a scholarly platform dedicated to fostering critical discourse, innovative practice, and creative pedagogy in the fields of visual and performing arts. Bringing together contributions from academics and practitioner-researchers, the journal serves as a dynamic forum where ideas intersect and disciplines converge. It explores both theoretical and empirical research, encouraging rigorous inquiry into subjects that span across artistic disciplines and cultural studies. 

The journal welcomes submissions that delve into various aspects of the arts, including visual and performing arts, literary arts, art history, and other emerging art-related issues. Recognizing the deep cultural significance of artistic expression, it also embraces interdisciplinary perspectives that connect art with anthropology, archaeology, communication, cultural studies, development studies, education, history, journalism, language, law, library science, linguistics, literature, philosophy, and religion. By addressing these diverse intersections, Gelar: Jurnal Seni Budaya provides a space for meaningful dialogue on the evolving role of art in society. 

Articles featured in the journal take various forms, from full-length academic research papers to critical discussions on contemporary artistic issues, reflections on developmental practices, and insightful reviews of books, exhibitions, and media-based performances. The journal not only showcases established scholarship but also invites fresh perspectives that push the boundaries of artistic inquiry. 

Committed to upholding the highest academic standards, Gelar: Jurnal Seni Budaya ensures that all submissions undergo a rigorous evaluation process. Each manuscript is initially screened by the editorial team before being subjected to a meticulous double-blind peer-review process. This ensures that the published works maintain scholarly excellence and contribute meaningfully to the global discourse on arts and culture. 

By providing an innovative and inclusive platform, the journal invites researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to engage with and contribute to the evolving landscape of the arts. Through this collaborative exchange, Gelar: Jurnal Seni Budaya continues to shape and enrich the discourse on artistic and cultural studies, fostering new ideas and perspectives that resonate across disciplines. 

Scopus References Search Keywords:

"Gelar J. Sen. Bud" OR "Gelar: Jurnal Seni Budaya"


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You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Gelar: Jurnal Seni Budaya paper template and Carefully read the submission guidelines.

If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at gelar@isi.ska.ac.id

Current Issue

Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-05


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