
  • Jurnal Kala Citra

    Kala Citra ialah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola Program Studi Fotografi ISI Surakarta. Jurnal ini adalah media publikasi artikel hasil penelitian, kreasi, maupun gagasan konseptual di bidang fotografi. Jurnal Kala Citra terbit dalam 2 volume pertahun (Juni& November).

  • Sanggitarupa

    Sanggitarupa is a Fine arts journal covering art in interior design, visual communication design, photography, film and television, sculpture, printmaking, and painting supported by the concept of creation, which are innovative and scientific works  that are always oriented towards quality improvement

    Sanggitarupa is published twice a year, in July and December. Start Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 2024, will be published in June and December. Admitted and published articles can be freely accessed on this website.

    Journal title Sanggitarupa
    Initials Sanggitarupa
    Abbreviation SR
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    DOI prefix 10.33153 
    ISSN 2808-8301 (print) |2987-6877 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Dr. Siti Badriyah, S.Sn., M.Hum.
    Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation Analysis Dimensions
  • Tobong : Jurnal Seni Teater

    Journal titleTobong : Jurnal Seni Teater
    Frequency2 issues per year
    DOIprefix 10.33153
    ISSNxxxx-xxxx (print) | xxxx-xxxx (online)

    Wahyu Novianto, S.Sn., M.Sn

    Managing EditorIsa Ansari, M.Hum
    PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar

    Tobong: Jurnal Tobong menjadi ruang akademik bagi para mahasiswa, dosen, praktisi, dan peneliti seni pertunjukan khususnya teater. Jurnal ini menerima artikel yang secara khusus mengupas keilmuan teater baik dalam kajian teoritik maupun praktik. Jurnal Tobong mendorong tumbuhnya wacana-wacana baru dan terciptanya karya-karya yang kreatif dan inovatif berbasis pada kekayaan budaya nusantara.

    Bidang seni pertunjukan yang menjadi fokus utama yaitu, teater, tari, musik/karawitan, dan pedalangan. Selain itu juga membuka ruang bagi kajian sastra, dan peristiwa-peristiwa budaya lainnya dalam perspektif pertunjukan. Bidang-bidang kajian keimuan yang difokuskan adalah sebagai berikut:

    1. Teater dan Sosiologi
    2. Teater dan Antropologi
    3. Teater dan Sejarah
    4. Teater dan Pendidikan
    5. Teater dan Sastra
    6. Teater dan Psikology
    7. Teater dan Komunikasi
    8. Teater dan Agama
    9. Teater dan Ekonomi
    10. Teater dan Budaya
  • Runtas : Journal Of Arts And Culture

    RUNTAS, a journal of the Batik Fashion Design study program and published on behalf of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design ISI Surakarta, focuses on advancing scientific knowledge about the diversity of fine and performing arts both in Indonesia and in the world. RUNTAS Journal was established in October 2022 as a form of enthusiasm for artists, academics, art observers, curators, researchers, and academics to share and maintain the sustainability of fine arts in Indonesia and the world.

    The RUNTAS journal provides the widest possible open access to readers to access abstracts and full papers. Papers can be downloaded anytime and anywhere to be used as a reference.

    By publishing your paper, you are contributing to the development of art. Join us and submit your article. Be part of the wealth of art science and art preservation in the future. Register now!


  • ARTISTIC : International Journal of Creation and Innovation

    ARTISTIC is an international journal which specializes to the results of artistic research in the fields of arts, creative and conceptual thinking in arts, new knowledge generated from the practice of arts, and values and meanings of novelty produced in the creation of art works.

    The focus and scope of the journal consists of the fields of Fine Art (painting, sculpture, graphic, printmaking, etc.); Craft (keris, batik, ceramic, jewelry, textile, etc.); Design (interior design, visual communication design, fashion design, product design, and interactive multimedia design, etc.); and Performing Arts (theatre, pedalangan, karawitan, ethnic music, dance, etc.);Media and Creative Art (film, video, television, photography, and animation, etc.).

    ARTISTIC : International Journal Creation and Innovation is published twice a year, in April and October. Admitted and published articles can be freely accessed on this website.

    ARTISTIC : International Journal Creation and Innovation was first published in 2020 by Program Pascasarjana, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta. ARTISTIC was established with the ISSN number 2721-9445 (print) and 2721-9321 (electronic).

    ARTISTIC : International Journal Creation and Innovation has been indexed both at national and international including Google Scholar (2020), DOAJ (2021), crossref (2021), and DIMENSIONS (2022). 

  • Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik

    Journal titleSorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik
    AbbreviationJ. Peng. Pen. Musik.
    Frequency2 issues per year
    DOIprefix 10.33153
    ISSN2407-3938 (print) | 2684-9445 (online)

    Aris Setiawan

    Managing EditorReizki Habibullah
    PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar, Dimensions


    Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik is a scientific journal that is regularly published by the Faculty of Performing Arts, Department of Ethnomusicology, Indonesian Institute of Art (ISI) Surakarta. This journal holds the results of research on music as well as reviews of music criticism, exposure of figures, maestros or musical figures. This journal is packaged by applying scientific principles, so that the result is responsibly justified. Sorai Journal tried to fill the void of studies about music that had not yet appeared in many medias (journals, magazines and newspapers). Thus, this journal is expected to be able to offer alternative ways to understand that music is not merely a sound. Sorai journal invites original, significant, and rigorous inquiry into all subjects within or across disciplines related to music creation, music studios, and ethnomusicology. It encourages debate and cross-disciplinary exchange across a broad range of approaches. The spectrum of topics include:

    1. Review of Nusantara Music
    2. Sociology of Music
    3. Anthropology of Music 
    4. World Music Culture
    5. Digital Music Studies
    6. Archaeology of Music
    7. Intercultural Studies of Music
    8. Ethnography of Music
    9. Music and Multicultural Education
    10. Music Criticism
    11. Musician Profile and Thought
    12. Artistic Review of the Music Creation Process
  • Texture: Visual Art and Culture Journal

    Journal title Texture : visual art and culture journal
    Initials Texture
    Abbreviation Texture  art Cult. J.
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    DOI prefix 10.33153
    ISSN 2655-6766 (print)| 2655-6758 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Wisnu Adisukma, S.Sn., M.Sn
    Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar , Garuda

    Texture art and culture journal, memuat artikel hasil penelitian ilmiah dalam spektrum penciptaan dan pengkajian seni rupa dan budaya. Lokus seni rupa berfokus pada praktik artistik dalam beragam medium ungkap, baik dua dimensi, tiga dimensi, hingga ragam praktik seni intermedia. Budaya dilihat dalam konteks praksis, berikut ragam produk budaya visual yang tumbuh dan berkembang di masyarakat. Kajian terkait seni rupa dan budaya dalam jurnal ini menggunakan pendekatan kritis dalam perspektif keilmuan interdisipliner.

    Hubungi Kami melalui email :

  • Abdi Seni

    Abdi Seni journal focuses on the results, implementations, and impacts of community services activities done by educators and students of arts and design. The performing arts, such as dance, karawitan (gamelan musical tradition of Indonesian ethnics), pedalangan (shadow puppet/wayang show), theater, ethnomusicology, etc., and the visual arts, including fine arts and design, are included in the scope of the Abdi Seni journal for their potential as cultural tools to serve the community greatly and raise art literacy levels. This journal publication aims to promote theoretical notions or concepts as well as research findings that have been made in the areas. When carrying out arts-related community service activities and research, the educators and the students may engage in various activities to handle, communities to get along with, and even some struggles to manage. Abdi Seni journal provides space for them to tell their stories.
  • Acintya

    Journal title Acintya
    Initials Acy
    Abbreviation Acintya
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    DOI prefix 10.33153 /acy.v11 by
    ISSN EISSN 2655-5247 | PISSN 2085-2444 
    Editor-in-chief Dr. Bondet Wrahatnala, S.Sos., M.Sn.
    Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation Analysis Dimensions 


    Acintya publishes research results from the disciplines of performing arts, fine arts, and film. Acintya is a forum for rolling studies or thoughts about art, especially art phenomena spread across the archipelago from traditional, popular, contemporary, or experimental.

    Acintya is present in an effort to pioneer art on par with science oriented towards the formation of art science. Acintya comes from a Sanskrit word meaning beyond the reach of the mind. In a sense, Acintya accommodates all concepts, intellectuals, and imaginations of the research results of art lecturers.

    Acintya has been Indexed by: SINTA | GARUDA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | Dimensions

    If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at

  • Capture : Jurnal Seni Media Rekam

    CAPTURE is an art scientific journal that publishes the results of research, art creation or artistic research, and theoretical studies in the field of recording media art. The focus and scope of the journal consists of the fields of film, television, photography, animation and new media arts.

    CAPTURE is published twice a year, in July and December. Admitted and published articles can be freely accessed on this website.

    CAPTURE: Jurnal Seni Media Rekam was first published in 2009 along with the establishment of a new faculty at Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta, namely Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD). CAPTURE : Jurnal Seni Media Rekam was established with the print ISSN number 2086-308X, then in 2013 it obtained the electronic ISSN number 2338-428X.

    CAPTURE : Jurnal Seni Media Rekam has been indexed both at national and international including GARUDA (2016), Google Scholar (2016), ISJD (2016), SINTA (2018), Crossref (2018), and Dimensions (2021) .

    The journal has been accredited by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. CAPTURE: Jurnal Seni Media Rekam has obtained Rank 4 Accreditation – Sinta 4  (SK No. 21/E/KPT/2018) and Rank 3 Accreditation – Sinta 3 (SK No. 36/E/KPT/2019).

  • CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication

    Journal titleCITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication
    AbbreviationCITRAWIRA  J. Advert. Vis. Commun.
    Frequency2 issues per year (June and December)
    DOIPrefix 10.33153 by
    ISSN2774-2806 (print) | 2774-2792 (online)
    Editor-in-chiefDr. Handriyotopo, S.Sn., M.Sn
    PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar, Dimensions

    Journal of study (basic research) and design (applied research) visual communication design research outputs, sub-groups of design sciences in the field of visual communication design science but not limited to advertising, graphic design and multimedia. CITRAWIRA is published twice a year, in Juni and December. These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues. This journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to learn and contribute in this field. All articles are subject to initial editor screening and then a strict double-blind peerreview process before publication.

    The spectrum of topics include:

    • Graphic design
    • Ilustration
    • Digital imaging
    • Poster
    • Print Adv
    • Photography Adv
    • Webseries Adv
    • Motion Graphic
    • Social Adv
    • Storyboard
    • Ambien Media
    • Visual Merchandising
    • POP (Point of Purchase)
    • Visual Identity
    • Corporate Identity
  • Dewa Ruci: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni

    Journal titleDewa Ruci: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni
    InitialsDewa Ruci
    AbbreviationDewa Ruci J. Pengkaj. dan Pencipta. Seni.
    Frequency2 issues per year
    DOIPrefix 10.33153 by
    ISSN1412-4181 (print) | 2685-287X (online)
    Editor-in-chiefDr Zulkarnain Mistortoify, M.Hum
    PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation AnalysisSCOPUS | Web of Science | Google Scholar

    Dewa Ruci: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni draws its contributions from academics and practitioner-researchers at the interface of new visual and performing arts. It acts as a forum for critical scholarship, innovative practice, and creative pedagogy, addressing themes that may be domain-specific (e.g., theatre, dance, music, live art, visual arts) or situated at the convergence of two or more disciplines.

    The journal invites original, significant, and rigorous inquiry into all subjects within or across disciplines related to visual and performing arts. It encourages debate and cross-disciplinary exchange across a broad range of approaches. The spectrum of topics include:

    • Ethnomusicology
    • Karawitanology
    • Music Education
    • Musicology
    • Dance
    • Theatre
    • Movie and Television
    • Interior Design
    • Industrial Design
    • Media Arts
    • Fine Arts
    • Photography

    These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues, developmental practice, and reviews of books and live/media-based visual and performing arts.

    The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to learn from and contribute to the field. All articles are subject to initial Editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication.

    Before submission,
    You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Dewa Ruci paper template and Carefully read the submission guidelines.
    If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at
  • Gelar : Jurnal Seni Budaya

    Journal titleGelar : Jurnal Seni Budaya
    AbbreviationGelar J. Sen. Bud.
    Frequency2 issues per year
    DOIprefix 10.33153
    ISSN1410-9700 (print) | 2655-9153 (online)
    Editor-in-chiefTaufik Murtono
    Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation AnalysisGaruda, Ind One Search, WorldCatGoogle Scholar, Index Copernicus

    Gelar : Jurnal Seni Budaya draws its contributions from academics and practitioner-researchers at the interface of new visual and performing arts. It acts as a forum for critical scholarship, innovative practice, and creative pedagogy, addressing visual arts and performing arts or situated at the convergence of two or more disciplines.

    The journal invites original, significant, and rigorous inquiry into all subjects within or across disciplines related to theoretical and empirical research in the Arts and Culture. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts with the theoretical or empirical aspects from the following broad categories:

    Arts category includes the following fields:

    • Visual arts 
    • Performing arts
    • The journal also welcomes articles from literary arts, art history, and other art issues.

    Cultural aspects in arts include the following fields:

    • Art and Anthropology
    • Art and Archeology
    • Art and Communication
    • Art and Cultural studies
    • Art and Development studies
    • Art and Education
    • Art and History
    • Art and Journalism
    • Art and Language
    • Art and Law
    • Art and Library science
    • Art and Linguistics
    • Art and Literature
    • Art and Philosophy
    • Art and Religion

    These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues, developmental practice, and reviews of books and live/media-based visual and performing arts.

    The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field. All articles are subject to initial Editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication.

  • Greget : Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari

    Journal Title

    Greget : Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari






    2 issue per year


    Prefix by


    1412-551x (print) | 2716-067x (online)


    Dr. Maryono, S.Kar.,M.Hum.


    Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

    Citattion Analysis

    Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions

    Greget: Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari (referred to in English as Greget: Creativities and Dance Studies Journal) is a journal focused on theoretical and empirical research in the field of dance art, encompassing creativity, and various studies related to dance art. Greget: Jurnal Kreativitas dan Studi Tari has the vision and mission of developing knowledge and the creation of traditional dance, while also considering the dynamics of knowledge and the creation of non-traditional dance that evolve and shape the character of the nation. This journal accepts manuscript submissions with theoretical or empirical aspects in the following general categories:

    Dance Arts category includes following fields:

    • Dance knowledge
    • Dance Creation

    The journal also welcomes articles from literary arts, art history, and other dance art issues.

    • Review of Nusantara Dance
    • Sociology of Dance
    • Anthropology of Dance
    • World Dance Culture
    • Digital Dance Studies
    • Archaeology of Dance
    • Intercultural Studies of Dance
    • Ethnography of Dance
    • Dance and Multicultural Education
    • Dance Criticism
    • Dancer Profile and Thought
    • Artistic Review of the Dance Creation Process
  • Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi

    Journal titleKeteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran, dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi
    AbbreviationJur, Peng. Pem. dan Kaj Tentang Bunyi
    FrequencyTwo issues per year
    DOIprefix 10.33153
    Online ISSN2714-6367 (Online) | 1412-2065 (Print)
    Editor-in-chiefDr. Suyoto, S.Kar., M.Hum
    Managing EditorMuhammad Nur Salim, S.Sn., M.A
    PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation Analysis

    Google Scholar | Garuda

    Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran, dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi, this journal invites original articles and has never been published together with other journals or conferences. The publication of scientific articles is the result of research from the external and internal academic community of the Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta in the Karawitanologi discipline. Scope of distribution:

    1. Karawitan Education and Learning.
    2. Karawitan History and Development Study.
    3. Study in Karawitan.
    4. Karawitan Organology Study.
    5. Karawitan Aesthetic Studies.
    6. Karawitan Composition Study.


  • Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang

    Journal titleLakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang
    AbbreviationLakon J. Pengkaj. Pencipta. Wayang.
    Frequency2 issues per year (July and December)
    DOIprefix 10.26555
    Print ISSN1978-0524
    Online ISSNon process
    Editor-in-chiefAndi Wicaksono
    PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar
    OAI addressOAI LAKON

    Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang is a journal of puppets study and creation. This journal welcomes the study and creation of multidimensional puppet art research and review. It is limited to the art of wayang within the scope of Puppet Leather Purwa and the various forms and styles of puppet theater in Indonesia and the world, traditional and contemporary. The journal published quantitative-qualitative empirical research and critical thoughts related to the study and creation of wayang and puppet theater that has never been published in any form. Areas that can be stated in journal articles can include:

    • Puppet and culture
    • Puppet and Education
    • Puppet and Development
    • Puppet and Literature
    • Puppets and Philosophy
    • Puppets and Technology
    • Puppet and Sociology
    • Puppet and Politics
    • Puppet and Anthropology
    • Puppet and World Development
    • Puppet and Creative Creation - Innovative
  • Ornamen

    Journal titleOrnamen
    Frequency2 issues per year / June and December
    DOIprefix 10.33153
    ISSN1693-7724 (print)  | 2685-614X (online)
    Editor-in-chief Sutriyanto, S.Sn., M.A.
    Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar , Garuda

    ORNAMEN: Art craft journal contains scientific articles on the results of research on the art of craft and the creation of craft art within the scope of Indonesian culture. The substance presented is in the form of a mission to preserve the cultural values of the archipelago as well as the development of concepts and aesthetics, along with the development of the complexity and dynamics of people's lives. The critical approach method in an interdisciplinary scientific perspective can open the widest possible opportunity for scholars, researchers, and stakeholders to work together in advancing a dignified national culture in the midst of global competition. ORNAMENTS art craft journals are published twice a year.

  • Pendhapa

    Journal titlePendhapa
    Frequency2 issues per year
    DOIprefix 10.33153 /
    ISSN2086-8138 (print) |2745-7249 (online)
    PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
    Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar  , Garuda 

    Pendhapa is a journal that a provides a forum for sharing, disseminating, and discussing research, experiences, and perspectives, in interior design studies. Starting with vol 11.2020 Pendhapa published all articles in english


    Pendhapa a journal in the field of interior design is collects the best critical workson all types of places. Interiors are criticalin the formation of identity because they symbolize power and control through the contestation or violation of limits. Each of our homes, offices, retail malls, schools, hospitals, and restaurants is inflused with significance and elicits uniquemultisensory and psychological responses.


    The interior is the journal's primary scope, and submissions from practitioners and theorists of interior design are encouraged. It will incorporate perspectives from a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, architecture, art and design history, cultural studies, and visual culture, and will be geographically and chronologically inclusive. The journal seeks to bridge the divide between theory and practice and to serve as a vital resource for everyone interested in the design, history, and significance of interiors.